Wendy test

If you are interested in investing, please contact:

Richard W. Hardy
CityCan Financial Corporation
55 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite #604, Toronto, Ontario M4P 1G8

Agent #M08002416 – Brokerage #10532

Direct Toronto Line  (416) 410-6830 
8:00 am to 8:00 pm Monday to Saturday
U.S. & Canada Toll Free: 1-888-599-3232   Fax: 1-866-293-7082
e-mail: rhardy@mortgageinvestmentfunding.com

If you do decide to invest, a full mortgage proposal will be sent you outlining all the pertinent details of the transaction, including the following:

Information on the Homeowner

Each proposal will include personal information on the homeowner, such as his or her employment history, annual income, any existing mortgage obligations, etc. as declared on the borrower’s application.  Please understand that under Ontario Ministry of Finance regulations, we are legally obligated to supply this information to you upon request.  You are entitled to this information solely for the purpose of making an informed investment decision, however you as well have a legal obligation not to divulge this information to any 3rd. parties.

Information on the Property

Details of the home, including the full address, number of rooms, lot size, existing mortgaging, etc. will be attached to each proposal. A map showing the exact location  and a photo of the home will also be included, along with supporting documents outlining the current market value of the property.

Ontario Ministry of Finance Regulations

After reviewing the above proposal, if you then decide to proceed, a 7 page Investor Lender Disclosure Statement will be issued to you under Ontario Ministry of Finance regulations. A copy of the Investor Lender Disclosure Statement is also supplied to whichever lawyer is acting on your behalf, as shown below.

Your Legal Representation

A Solicitor must be assigned to act on your behalf, with the homeowner paying all your legal expenses. The Solicitor must search title of the property, including reatly taxes, confirm the balances of any existing mortgaging and arrange for a fire insurance endorsement to protect your interest.  The closing Solicitor will also be instructed to obtain a Title Insurnace Policy to further protect your investment.  Only after all of the above has been completed, will the Solicitor then request funds from you or from your RSP.

Under no circumstances will you be asked to issue funds to anyone other than directly into the closing Solicitor’s Trust Account.  The Solicitor must then immediately register your mortgage as outlined in the Investor/Lender Disclosure Statement.  Only then may the Solicitor release your funds from his or her Trust Account.  In addition to the above, confirmation of the Solicitor’s Errors & Omissions Insurance is obtained on each transaction.

All monthly mortgage payments are paid directly to you or directly into your own RSP, whichever you instruct.  No payments flow through any 3rd. parties.  You alone have direct control over your money.